Bank Invoice

Blockchain Network Worldwide

Connected to any company

Bank Invoice will connect you with clients around the world.
Bank Invoice will digitize original invoices and send and receive them just like e-mail. Since Bank Invoice will integrate every transaction with a client , so the accounting workload can be significantly reduced. With Bank Invoice, you can achieve paperless business instantly and easily.

BtoB data sharing service

Free of charge with no functional restrictions. Installation not required on either Windows or Mac.

Bank Invoice is widely used by freelancers, venture companies and major companies.

Create a invoice


Simply complete the form as you would any spreadsheet software. This invoice can be used in every industry. The number of rows for items is limitless.

One-minute Registration (free of charge)


User registration requires only an e-mail address and other information found on a business card for invoicing. You can send e-mail even to non-users (e-mail address required).

Registration required only for senders


User registration is required only for senders. Since receivers do not have to be registered, you can start using Bank Invoice right away without explaining the system to receivers. Receivers receive PDF files or original invoices via Bank Invoice and can output them as desired.

100% Paperless Operations including Receiving


If all processes of creation, transmission and receiving are conducted via Bank Invoice, you will not need any paper. In all electronic transactions, you will not have to create PDF files or electronic signatures. Moreover, since incoming invoices can be digitized, you will be able to use tablets even more.

Digitized original invoices


You can send electronic invoices to clients who require original invoices. The mechanism of this system is completely different from conventional e-mail exchanges with PDF attachments.

Intuitive and Manual Free System


The colors of the buttons above the invoice, information displayed after clicking the buttons.

Unified Management


Each invoice can be connected and managed to include inquiries, replies, notes, history and attached files. With Bank Invoice, you do not need to waste time and effort searching with more than one software application, including e-mail.

No Missing Invoices


As opposed to paper-based invoices, you will never lose invoices. Since the procedural status of the other party is displayed in real-time, you will know whether the other party has confirmed receipt. Bank Invoice, therefore, helps prevent late incoming/outgoing payments ahead of a bank transaction (prior to the date of bank transfer).

Manual less

Everyone can use immediately like email.
You can check and send at any time on your smartphone.
You do not need PDF files, and you can send the original invoice without mail or international mail.



Enter an e-mail address in the destination field and send. The original invoice can be sent in the same way as e-mail: you do not need to mail it.



Since you can copy documents created in the past, you can create monthly invoices collectively without fail.

Data Download


Integrated data comprised of sales and costs can be downloaded. The information can be used for the creation of analysis materials and client management, as well as firm banking.

Data Upload


You can create multiple invoices at the same time. You can manage more than one client and claim the payment of the total amount. The total amount is automatically calculated.



This is an e-mail function dedicated to each invoice. You can communicate with the other party in real time. Inquiries that were conducted by phone or separate e-mail software can be managed, listed and searched in relation to each invoice.



This is a note function dedicated to each invoice. The function will manage, list and search notes, which were written on each paper-based invoice, in relation to each invoice. Notes can also be used as tags.

Entire History


This is the invoice history. It records all operations from the transmission by a sender to the receipt by a receiver and all subsequent operations. A corrected (retransmitted) invoice is connected to the original and can be cross-referred via a link.



You can attach and send documents by each invoice. You can also manage invoice particulars and other materials, which were sent as attachments in the past, in relation to each invoice. Since no operational change is required, this function does not cause any extra burden on your clients.



You can search for invoice data, outside communication and notes. Then, you can use the filter conditions, such as dates (period), amount, status of the client and reissued invoices, to download only the desired data.

No restrictions to exercise your ingenuity


In principle, there are no restrictions on the number of characters for each entry, the number of rows in the invoice particulars and the number of bank accounts. You can also connect detailed information about each invoice particular with a quotation number and manage them together.

Messages prior to Transmission


If you enter the Message form prior to transmission as you formerly would enclose a message with an invoice, you can confirm whether the other party has opened and read the message in the List of Messages. This function ensures that you make inquiries on an as-needed basis.

Flexible customization (option)


We can customize Bank Invoice to cater to the needs of each client company, such as customization for a change in the invoice template, sharing and authority setting (Fee-based).


Bank Invoice Corporation

1-14-10, Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0031
Tel: +81-3-6228-7527

Taro Teshima